Making the gingerbread snowflake cookies that will grace the outside of every single
Trinity Christmas Cookie Box is a task that kind of eats up an entire weekend.
Every year, Cheryl, my dear friend and cookie cohort, and I consider making something else to decorate the boxes we sell to benefit Food Ministries at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. But, we always go back to the gingerbread snowflakes because in the end, the elegant and simple design can't be beat.
Even so, making them is one huge task that always tests my patience and concentration skills.
I'm glad to have the task completed because now it's time to focus on the more than 4,000 other cookies that need to be baked to fill the boxes.
Saturday 10 a.m.: The dough is made, chilled and ready to be rolled. |
Saturday 2 p.m.: The cookies are baked and ready for icing. |
Saturday 6:30 p.m.: The cookies are outlined with piping consistency white icing. |
Saturday Midnight: I'm feeling really tired. With just three cookies left to fill, I ran out of icing. No matter, it's time to go to bed. |
Sunday 5 p.m.: The details have been piped and the snowflakes are done. They need to dry before packaging so it's time for a dinner break. |
Sunday 8 p.m.: All 123 snowflakes are packaged but it's still not time to stop thinking about cookies. On Friday, I will work with Cheryl and a team of volunteers to bake the more than 4,000 cookies still needed to fill the boxes. In the meantime, Cheryl is hard at work making 48 rolls of shortbread doughs and I have a few things to do in peparation for the big baking session. Stay tuned... |
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