
Friday, August 22, 2014


Strawberry and Lime Mini-Macarons

Chocolate Almond and Lime Mini-Macarons. (Notice how the green color of the Lime Macarons shows up so much more when next to the paler Chocolate Almond Macarons.)
Mini-macarons are adorable and perfect for parties. You'll get 75 macarons from one recipe and they are so pretty that they can do double duty as both a treat and a centerpiece.

These mini strawberry, lime and chocolate almond macarons are for my friend Shannon who is throwing a baby shower this weekend.

I also find mini-macarons are the easiest to pipe so they're a good place to start if you want to try making French macarons. I pipe them nickel-size and then they spread a bit and end up about the size of a quarter.

If you want to make an assortment of colors from one batch like I did, don't add the coloring to the egg whites as usual.

Instead mix the almond meal and powdered sugar into the egg whites and then just as it comes together, divide the batter and then add the coloring you want and proceed with the technique of folding the batters with a rubber scraper until they are the right consistency for piping.

Once you have success making these, I guarantee you won't want to stop because it's so satisfying and the flavor and color choices are endless.

Click here for the basic recipe and my video showing how to make them.


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