
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lots Of Veggies

In memory of our friend Sue who passed away last week, we placed flowers and a card at her reserved seat in front of the kitchen window.
Guests at the Wednesday Community Meal today were treated to lots of  veggies courtesy of The Oregon Food Bank and volunteer Kate who has an amazing garden and is so generous.

From the Oregon Food Bank we received four cases of asparagus that we roasted in the oven and seasoned with garlic, lemon juice and salt and pepper. From Kate we had garden fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, carrots, beets, onions, garlic and cantaloup.

We sliced the cucumbers and seasoned them with rice vinegar, garlic, salt and a touch of sugar. They were crisp, cooling and an absolutely delicious addition to the meal. We used the tomatoes for the salads and roasted the squash, beets and carrots to serve as sides. The plates today were so colorful!

It's so wonderful to be able to treat our guests to such high-quality, fresh and nutritious produce. Our guests love it and many stopped by the kitchen window to say thanks.

We served 346 meals today.

The salads we served today.
Asparagus ready for the oven.
Another treat today was chicken from Phil's Uptown Meat Market that we coated with barbecue sauce and baked.

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