
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Custom Birthday Candles

I have the honor of catering and making the cake for the birthday celebration of an amazing man named Jack who is 90-years young. Jack's wife Mary is a dear friend of mine and volunteers with me at the Wednesday Community Meal.

Last week I told Mary I would find "90" birthday candles for Jack's cake but after searching multiple stores and online I couldn't find any that I felt suited him. All the number candles I found looked juvenile and certainly were not sophisticated enough for Jack. 

My solution was to buy what I could find and customize them using gel food coloring, meringue powder and sanding sugar. The candles I bought cost .99 cents each at my neighborhood grocery and the process of changing them took less than 30 minutes.

Here's how:
Lay the candles on kraft or parchment paper.

Choose a gel paste food color. I chose dark blue.

Make a pile of meringue powder, about 1 tablespoon, on a separate piece of kraft or parchment paper.

Squeeze a large dollop of gel paste alongside the meringue powder and mix it together to form a thick paint. The food coloring won't adhere to the waxy surface of the candle without the addition of the meringue powder.

Using a small brush, paint the coloring onto the candle.

Take your time and try to make an even coat.

Choose a color of sanding sugar. I chose soft green.

 Quickly paint another light coat of coloring all over the candle. You want the entire surface damp before adding the sanding sugar. Then, sprinkle on the sugar and let it set for a few seconds before gently shaking off the excess.

You might need to use a clean soft brush to ease off the sanding sugar in unpainted areas of the candle.

These candles are perfect for Jack's cake.

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