
Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Ava with one of many loaves of bread that she gleaned from The Roman Candle Baking Co.

Ava may be just 14-years old but she is without a doubt one of the Wednesday Community Meal's most committed volunteers. She has been volunteering along with her older brother Zane for the past three years, working whenever they have a break from school.

When Ava comes in on Wednesday mornings, she always enthusiastically asks me "what can I do to help?" And, no matter what the job, she works hard and conscientiously. I will miss her help when she has to go back to school.

Today she surprised us all by bringing in loaves of beautiful artisan bread that she gleaned from the Roman Candle Baking Co.

The bread was gorgeous, high quality and a real treat for our hungry guests. The fact that Ava took it upon herself to ask for it and bring it in really impresses me.

Her kind heart and willingness to help makes me very happy.

We served 287 meals today.

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