
Monday, December 2, 2013

Trinity Christmas Cookie Box Presale

This year's cookie box label.
Boy does time fly... It's already time again for the annual Trinity Christmas Cookie Box sale to benefit food ministries at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, including the Wednesday Community Meal.

The very long line for this year's Community Thanksgiving Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. All proceeds from the Christmas cookie boxes go to support Trinity's Food Ministries and the need has never been greater.  As of Nov. 1, 2013, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cut benefits for every household. And, the 211 help line in Oregon reported through October that they have seen an increase of 20-percent  in calls for food pantries as well as community meal sites in Multnomah county.

Every year, a team of bakers from the weekly community meal works together to bake and artfully package thousands of homemade Christmas cookies all for the benefit of feeding the hungry in our community. It's a huge undertaking but by far our largest fundraiser of the year and always well worth the effort.
The first layer of cookies in last year's cookie box.

The second layer of homemade cookies in last year's cookie box.

This year, the presale of the boxes officially began yesterday at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (147 NW 19th Ave, Portland, Oregon). The next and last opportunity to order boxes will be on Sunday, Dec. 8 at Trinity in Kempton Hall between 9 a.m. and noon. The boxes cost $30 and contain more than three dozen cookies.

The cookie boxes will be available for pickup at Trinity on Sunday, Dec. 15 from 9 a.m. to noon.

1 comment:

  1. After the baking, icing, and decorations are complete, you want to add these your amazing products into a box that does justice to all your hard work.
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