
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sack Lunches And Thanksgiving Preparations

Our dedicated young volunteers who are always a pleasure to work with - Maya, Eleanor, Elise, Ava, Ian, Quinn and Colin.

We handed out sack lunches at the Wednesday Community Meal today because the kitchen and dining room were being used to prep for the Thanksgiving Community Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral tomorrow.

We also had the help of some dedicated young volunteers who were on break from school. In the sack lunches were turkey and cheese sandwiches, juice, chips, cookies and an orange. Because of the cold weather we also decided to serve cups of hot soup.

In addition to preparing the sack lunches, the volunteers helped assemble fruit centerpieces and candy dishes for the Thanksgiving tables. And, we got the gravy going for the meal by making a thick gravy base that we can add turkey juices to tomorrow.

Assembling the sack lunches.
Volunteer Karen helped us get the gravy started for tomorrow's Thanksgiving meal at Trinity.
It takes a lot of work, volunteers and donated cooked turkeys to pull of such a large event but it's always worth it because it's a treat for the wonderful people we serve.

We handed out 294 sack lunches today.

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