
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Courtyard Dining

We moved the Wednesday Community Meal outside today because the floor in Kempton Hall where we usually serve is in the process of being refinished.

The temperature was in the upper 80's today in Portland so actually it was perfect weather for an outdoor meal in the courtyard of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

Serving outside meant more work transporting the food but all of the volunteers were good sports and everything worked out. We were also lucky that today we had three spry teenage boys volunteering who were willing to act as "runners" throughout the service.
Boy were we lucky that Micah, Nicholas and my nephew Sam came in to help today.

We served 380 meals of hotdogs, rice with roasted veggies, kale salad and mixed fruit. We also served soup, dessert and of course drinks.
Sam heading out to the courtyard with a tray of food. Sunglasses and sunscreen were a necessity today.

A change of venue once in a while can be fun, especially if you stay positive and work among friends.

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