
Friday, January 11, 2013

Cookie Decorating Idea

My niece Maya asked me recently to make a giant cookie for a friend's birthday.

We decided on decorating the cookie with a bumble bee so I thought I could just use my bee-shaped cutter to cut another cookie that I could stick on top.

Maya said she wanted the bee to be iced onto the cookie so I figured I should practice drawing bees until I was struck with an idea that simplified everything — Just use the bee-shaped cutter to stamp an outline onto the cookie and trace away! Why didn't I think of this sooner?

Stamping and tracing the outline was easy and gave me lots of ideas for future cookies. Thank you Maya for helping me figure this out! When it comes to cookie decorating, there is always something new to learn.

Here's how I made Maya's cookie:
Outline and fill a cookie.

After the icing has dried for at least 1 hour, use your cookie cutter to stamp your design. Don't press too hard, just gently set the cutter into the icing and lift straight up.

Trace your design with piping consistency icing.

Add detail.

And add more detail....(see my honeycomb design post).

Add color with flood consistency icing. I used bright yellow and cream colored icing. And, I added two "sugar pearls" for the eyes.

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