
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Forming Friendships

My favorite table of friends. Clockwise from back right - Sue, Gideon, Peggy, volunteer Dan, Billie and Marilyn. Today I asked Sue what she liked best about the meal and she said, "it's the people here and the variety of food you serve."  
The Wednesday Community Meal enriches lives. It connects people in our community and as a result many friendships have formed.

Someone I'm so pleased to have gotten to know is Sue.

Every Wednesday, I look forward to seeing Sue and her group of friends sit and eat at their reserved table right in front of the kitchen window.

Sue has a warm personality and lovely smile. She always goes out of her way to greet me and simply makes my day.

I also enjoy seeing her and her friends visit and enjoy the social aspect of the meal.  Sue reminds me of the importance of friendship and that it can be just as nourishing as food— I'm blessed to know her.

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