
Wednesday, July 18, 2012


When you are poor and struggling, being able to choose what you are going to eat can be a rare treat.

That's why at the Wednesday Community Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, we like to offer choices whenever possible and one of the choices guests got to make today was what dessert to enjoy.

Thanks to Cheryl, our weekly dessert specialist, our guests usually get to choose what sweets they eat.

Cheryl puts a lot of time and love into putting the desserts together. It may seem like they magically appear but trust me, they don't.

Cheryl put in a full day on Tuesday making homemade cobbler with her granddaughter Katie.
Homemade peach cobbler made by Cheryl and her granddaughter Katie.
An assortment of desserts donated by Starbucks.

We served 260 meals today and thanks to Cheryl our guests were offered a choice.

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