
Monday, April 18, 2016

Big Batch Macarons

Macaron shells resting before baking.
I took a big risk, but it worked! I made 400 macarons for an event in record time because of a few recipe and baking changes.

I made Oregon Raspberry Macarons, Lime Coconut Macarons, Mocha Macarons and they were all enjoyed at yesterday's reception, celebrating Nathan LeRud as the new Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

As you know, macarons are delicious but finicky, so I was hesitant to implement my spur of the moment ideas, especially without testing them first. But the thought of cutting hours out of my work time was just way too attractive.

So here are the changes I made:

1. I increased my recipe by half to make more macarons.

With the new recipe, I can get a few more than 100 instead of 70 small macarons out of a single batch. I was tempted to double the recipe, but knew that if I made too much batter, it would be difficult to get the macaronage (the process of incorporating the dry ingredients into the egg whites) right.

Big Batch Macaron Recipe Quanities
225 grams egg whites, aged 2 to 4 days in the fridge and then brought to room temperature
270g ground almonds, sifted
405g powdered sugar, sifted
140g granulated sugar

Proceed as usual but lay out six sheetpans lined with parchment paper and set aside three pastry bags for the piping of the macarons.

Many Mocha Macarons!

2. I baked two pans of macarons at a time. 

The baking is what really eats up time. Usually I bake one pan at a time, in the middle rack of a convection oven. Each pan takes an average of 11 minutes, so you are looking at a full hour to bake a batch. The reason for baking one pan at a time is to ensure that the shells get even heat in the oven and end up with a nice rise and feet.  My solution was to put two pans in the 325 degree oven and then rotate them midway through the baking. Phew! It worked just fine.
The shells after baking.

For the Oregon Raspberry Macarons, I added a swipe of red to the tops of all the shells. I mixed red gel coloring with a bit of vodka to make a paint.

3. I asked my daughter to help me.

Another time consuming, but not hard job, is sorting the macarons into pairs. I asked my daughter Eleanor to take over the sorting while I prepared the buttercream fillings. Besides speeding up the process, it was nice to have company in the kitchen.

Eleanor sorting Lime Coconut Macarons into pairs.

Filling the macarons.

Filled and ready to eat Oregon Raspberry Macarons.


  1. Quick question: I am making 400 sandwiched macarons for a wedding this June and I wanted to know a few things...1) what was the width of your macarons? and 2) would you recommend mixing the batter in smaller batches rather than one large batch? I've noticed that sometimes large batches can dry out faster. Lastly, 3) I like to use Bob's Red Mill superfine almond flour but I noticed that you use ground almonds...would it make a difference? I know that's a lot but I would greatly appreciate it!

    1. Hi Zoe,
      I apologize for the late response. I use Bob’s Red Mill almond flour too. I have found that I can increase the batch by .5 with no problem. You are right that more than that could be a problem. I pipe small macarons that are about 1.25 inches in diameter. I find that small macarons bake more evenly and turn out better than large ones. Plus, guests will like that they can try more flavors.
      Happy Baking,

  2. Hi there!

    I am baking macarons for a buffet..I am pretty new to doubling recipes, especially these delicate cookies. Can you give me a precise US measurements to make at least 100? Thank you :)

  3. Hi Jenni,
    I’ve never had luck doubling macarons but I’ve found that I can 1.5 the recipe and with good results and get 100 small macarons. The only recipe I can give you is the one above that calls for gram measurements. Macarons are finicky and scale measuring is essential.
    I wish you happy baking!

    1. Do you use anything other than the ingredient listed above for your cookies

  4. How do you store the macarons when delivering to customers? I have to make 300 for a wedding in a couple of weeks but I'm unsure of what boxes to use!

  5. Beautiful macarons!! The easiest way i found to increase macaron recipes is to use the french method: scale your egg whites in grams, and use the same amount of caster or granulated sugar. Multiply that amount by 1.25 for the almond flour and the icing sugar.
    Egg whites 60g
    Caster sugar 60g
    Almond flour 75g
    Icing sugar 75g

  6. Hi how can i prevent my macarons from browning? I bake them for 12 mins in 300 and put in the middle rack. But if let them bake till 11 the edges brown a bit ������

    1. i wouldn’t recommend doing that😂open the oven and and carefully take the macaroon off the cookie sheet you want nothing to be on where it was on turn your oven off and take em out👏🏽👍🏽

  7. Seems yummy, thanks for sharing delicious recipe. I would love to try these macarons. Wrap them in catchy macaron boxes and preserve the taste for longer macaron-boxes

  8. 'How do I add each flavour am making 150 with four different flavours but no idea how to adjust the recipe
