
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hamburgers For Everyone

Today's lunch.
We served hamburgers, which proved to be a very popular lunch, at today's Wednesday Community Meal. We were non-stop busy from the moment we opened our doors at 11 a.m. and served 368 meals during our two hour service.

When I told one of our guests who was in line early what we would be serving he smiled and the man standing behind him responded with an enthusiastic "Yes!".

The Cascade Farms hamburger patties were donated to us by Lift Urban Portland and Trinity Episcopal Cathedral provided the buns, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and condiments.

The cathedral and its members are so generous and supportive of the weekly meal and fund extra necessary purchases. It's not just food they provide — they also provide the paper placemats, napkins, cups, foil, plastic wrap... and more....anything that we need to make the weekly free to everyone meal happen. Trinity also lets us use their commercial kitchen and serve in their large beautiful dining room.
My two full carts at Cash 'n' Carry on Tuesday, shopping for the additional ingredients and supplies that we needed for today's meal.

Alongside the hamburgers, we served Tim' Cascade chips and grapes. There was also soup, salad, dessert and drinks. Thanks to Trinity and Lift Urban Portland, it was a tasty and satisfying meal for our hungry friends.

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