
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Striving To Serve Healthy Food

Volunteer Zane did a wonderful job slicing all of the pork tenderloin that we served today.
Lean, oven-roasted pork tenderloin was a highlight of today's Wednesday Community Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Alongside the pork, we served baked potatoes, roasted vegetables, slices of cold watermelon and soup, salad and dessert.
Dessert today was warm, just-baked cake that volunteers Ava and Quinn sliced and topped with chocolate and chopped peanuts.

High-quality proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive to buy and what's usually lacking in our guest's diets so that's what we always strive to serve at Trinity's weekly free meal.  Our guests are primarily the homeless but we also serve the elderly, the working poor and families.

For the meal, we utilize gleaned ingredients as much as possible and then compete the meal with ingredients generously purchased by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

Lunch is served between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and everyone is welcome, no questions asked. All you have to do is show up and I promise you will be greeted, seated and served. We served 366 meals today.

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