
Friday, June 5, 2015

Fish Cookies

Out of all the cookies I've made, and I've made a lot, these fish cookies are probably the most time consuming. I made them by dropping thinned icing onto a still wet flooded cookie and maneuvering the icing with a scribe tool.

Each one is a little work of art and I think these would make a wonderful Father's Day gift. I definitely think Dads are worth the effort.

There are no specific rules to making these. It's is helpful to look at some fish pictures and sketch a plan but basically you just need to mix your colors and go for it. You need all of your colors ready to go before you start because this is wet on wet cookie decorating. Here's how:
I outlined and filled a cookie with white icing and then added grey icing in the basic shape of a fish. I used my scribe tool to move the icing to get an even better general shape.

I added a stripe of green on the top of the fish and again, used my scribe tool to blend it in.

I also added some pink, teal and orange to the base and once I got that blended, I added the black details by dipping my scribe tool into thinned black icing and using it like a pencil.

Here's another fish. I added the teal scale details with my scribe tool. It just takes some experimenting to figure out what works.

This guy is my favorite.

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