
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Impressive Helpers

Creative Science School students Oliver and Neveah helped in the kitchen today. Neveah helped make a gravy and plate the food and Oliver was on beverage duty, making and pouring the lemonade.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the dishwashers work the hardest of anyone at The Wednesday Community Meal, so I know Jesse, Kevin, Bill, Steve, Jay and Dave (not pictured) were thankful to have the help of Daniel and Connor today. The students even got to partake in the sacred dishwasher tradition of eating a Coco donut before the start of the meal service.  The dishwashers need their energy!

We had a great time working alongside students from the Creative Science School today at The Wednesday Community Meal. This is the second time students from the SE Portland school have volunteered at our program and just like last time, I'm very impressed.

All of them were conscientious, hardworking and kind to our guests who enjoyed the food we served today.

First on the menu was roasted chicken with gravy over rice and then it was onto chicken skewers, fried fish, baked fish, enchiladas, curry, baked chicken and finally ribs. Our menu had to change frequently in order to utilize all the gleaned food donated from Good Samaritan Hospital, Phil's Uptown Meat Market and The Oregon Food Bank.

We served 268 meals today. Thank you to all of our wonderful young volunteers. You are welcome back anytime!

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