
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hungry Guests

Andy and Terri assembling quesadillas.

The last week of the month is typically our busiest at The Wednesday Community Meal and today was no exception since it was not only the last, but a rare fifth Wednesday. At the end of our two hour service we had served 457 meals, the busiest we've been this year.

The line to get into the meal was long, running through the courtyard of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and all the way out to the sidewalk on NW 19th Ave. After the first hour, we had already served nearly 300 people. Our guests were very hungry today and very appreciative.

The first entree we served was homemade frittata filled with toasted bread, tomatoes, onions and herbs and then we moved onto chicken, lasagna, fish and finally quesadillas filled with refried beans, cheese and topped with homemade salsa.
A serving of homemade frittata.

Guests were also offered soup, salad and dessert. The latter was extra special since volunteer Cindy made mini cheesecakes. I think cheesecake has to be our guests' favorite dessert and it's something we don't get to serve very often so it was a wonderful treat.

Volunteers Isla Blue and Mimi serving dessert.

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