
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Double-Decker Easter Cookies

These double-decker Easter cookies are really quite simple to make. I honestly find the hardest part deciding what colors to use.

The patterns on the base cookies were creating using the wet-on-wet technique of dropping icing onto a wet base and then you can leave the icing as is or draw through it to create a chevron pattern or marbling.

Here's how I made them:
First off, have all your basecoat icings in piping bags ready to go. I chose to use light blue, medium blue and pink. Outline a base cookie with flood consistency icing and immediately fill it in.

Use a skewer or scribe tool to evenly distribute the icing.

While the base coat is wet, add lines.

You can leave the lines as is or draw through them in alternating directions to create a chevron pattern. Be sure to wipe off your tool off after each swipe through the icing.

Or, you could add dots. It's fun to be creative.

Once your base cookies are decorated, set them aside to dry. They need to dry completely before you adhere another cookie to them.

The larger plaque cookies will be topped with carrots and the smaller round cookies will be topped with bunnies.

For the carrots, I outlined the tops with green icing and sprinkled on tinted graham cracker crumbs. You could also use green sprinkles or sanding sugar.

I wanted to create a textured effect so I outlined and flooded the top and bottom third of the carrots and let that dry for a bit.

Then I filled in the middle sections and once the top and bottom sections were dry enough, I piped on a few lines of icing and spread them gently with a soft brush to create even more texture. Once the middle section had dried enough, I did the same to it.

Once the carrot and base cookie were dry, I stuck them together using a bit of royal icing as glue.

For the bunny cookies,  I got out some "daisy" sprinkles to create their fluffy tails.

I outlined and flood the bunnies with white royal icing and immediately added the tail. Let the cookies dry completely before adding more details.

I added a bow and nose on the bunnies with pink royal icing and drew on an eye with an edible ink marker. Once the bunnies were completely dry, I adhered them to the base cookies with royal icing. Be sure the icing glue is completely dry before packaging. Happy Easter!

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