
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Happy To Be Back

I got Carol to pose for a quick picture at the kitchen window today.  She is a longtime regular volunteer who works nonstop in the dining room delivering food to the guests.
It felt so good to see my friends at The Wednesday Community Meal after two weeks of being away. I know this might sound sappy because it was just two weeks, but I really missed them. Volunteering at the meal is something I look forward to each week and to me it's much more than just about feeding those in need. It's also about creating a community where everyone is welcome and everyone feels comfortable and safe.

The main entree today was spaghetti and meatballs and our guests seemed very pleased. The pasta and sauce for the spaghetti came from The Oregon Food Bank and the ground beef we used to make the meatballs was donated by Lift Urban Portland.

Today's entree.
Of course we also served hot soup, salad and dessert. The latter was pudding topped with crushed cookies which is always popular. There's just something very soothing about a cup of pudding.
Cups of butterscotch and chocolate pudding ready to served.
We served 233 meals today.

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