
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Last Wednesday Community Meal Of 2014

We seasoned the chicken with a homemade blend of crushed crackers, garlic, paprika, sage, cumin, salt and black pepper.
With Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve falling on Wednesdays this year,  today was the last community meal of 2014 and we went out on a high note with good food and even Santa serving in the dining room.
Santa taking a break after a hard day's work serving hot chocolate and coffee at The Wednesday Community Meal.

The first hundred or so guests in the door at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral were treated to crispy oven-baked chicken served with rice, gravy and green beans. The homey meal received lots of raves in the dining room and there were even a few guests who ate and got right back in line for more chicken which was okay with us. We are there to serve and it's a joy to see the food so well-received.

After the chicken, the guests continued to be fed well thanks to generous donations from Good Samaritan Hospital, Phil's Uptown Meat Market and Pizza Schmizza. We went on to serve petite sirloin steaks, chicken skewers, beef and chicken kabobs, roast beef, fried fish, chicken curry, ham and pizza in additon to soup, salad and dessert.
The Petite Sirloin Steaks we served today were donated by Good Samaritan Hospital.

We served 293 meals today. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to the guests and volunteers until next year when we are looking forward to getting back to work, providing hospitality and good nutritious food to the hungry in our community.

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