
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

An Even Better Way To Package Cookies

I've found that the addition of a piece of heavy duty paper is an even better way to package sugar cookies while still using my favorite inexpensive self-sealing cellophane bags.  

The piece of sturdy paper adds support to the package and helps keeps the cookie safe and sound during transport and handling.

The use of pretty paper also enhances the look of the packaging and makes for a nice presentation.

My paper choice was acid free patterned cardstock that I found in the scrap booking section of Michael's Arts & Crafts. To assemble the packages I cut the paper to size, set the cookies on top and simply slid them together into the cellophane bags.

It really is easy and makes for a very professional presentation.

Part of the fun of adding paper to the packaging is deciding what design to put with what cookie.

The addition of paper helps the cookies stay upright and protected during transport.

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