
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Meal To Lift Damp Spirits

Our early crew of dedicated volunteers. When Mary, Martha, Nancy, Leah, Ann, Cheryl, Terri and Bill arrived this morning,  there was already a line to get inside.
 The weather today has been nothing but constant rain and at the Wednesday Community Meal there was much more than damp clothing in the dining room, there were damp spirits. We didn't see many smiles and our guests looked wet, cold and uncomfortable.

There was a line of men waiting under the covered porch of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral before 8 a.m., more than three hours before the doors opened, and at 1 p.m. when the meal was over, there was still a group under the porch, waiting for respite from the rain. None came.

As I write this at nearly 8 p.m., it's still raining heavily and I can't help but think of my homeless friends. I pray they are dry, warm and safe.

We served 380 meals. Most of the guests got roasted pork, mashed potatoes and vegetables. Dessert for the first 40 in the door was homemade Chocolate Flan Cake. The dessert is one of my favorites to make and is part chocolate cake and part creamy flan. I couldn't have picked a better day to bring it in as it was a special treat for those who came early and waited so long in line — A bit of sweetness on a somber day.

Today's entree.

Chocolate Flan Cake.

Slices of cake.

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