
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Roasted Chicken And Greek Salad

Roasted Chicken

Greek Salad
We served nine different entrees today at the Wednesday Community Meal because as usual, we had to figure out the best way to utilize the food we had gleaned from Good Samaritan Hospital, Phil's Uptown Meat Market and Trader Joe's. The gleaning is so important because it helps keep our operating costs down and prevents perfectly good food from going to waste.

One of the most popular entrees today was roasted chicken. We had six whole chickens donated from Trader Joe's that we seasoned with garlic, chili powder, salt, pepper and herbs and roasted in a 350-degree oven until they were done and beautifully browned.

Volunteers Dave and Steve graciously pitched in to carve the chickens and did a great job. Meat carving is not my forte so I really appreciated their help.
Dave and Steve carving the chickens.

With the roasted chicken we fed the first 25 guests inside the door. After that we moved onto the next entree, chicken piccata from Good Samaritan Hospital, which fed eight guests. Then it was onto roast pork, roast turkey, fried chicken, beef fajita mix over rice, shepherd's pie, ribs and finally more turkey. In the end we served 261 meals.

One consistent highlight of today's meal were beautiful Greek salads made with crisp lettuce, feta, olives and garden-fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. We also offered everyone soup, dessert and drinks.

By creatively using a little of this and and a little of that we were able to serve a well-rounded and nutritious meal to everyone who joined us today at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

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