
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Helping Wherever Needed

Bill who is one of our dedicated dishwashers really helped us out today by also serving meals in the dining room.
It just happened that four of our regular dining room volunteers weren't able to help today at the Wednesday Community Meal and we were seriously short-handed, particularly at the start when we had 10 tables full of guests waiting to be served.

Well, I know I've said it before but it takes team effort to feed the masses and we might of had a small team today but it was a great team.

Every volunteer pitched in to help wherever needed, often multitasking. Our super dishwashers in particular came to the rescue, serving in the dining room when we needed the extra help. Thank you Bill, Kevin, Jay, Steve and Dave!

We served 255 meals today and received this sweet compliment from a guest who told volunteer Cheryl, "That was the best meal I've had since last Wednesday." So sweet and why the Wednesday Community Meal is worth the work, no matter the circumstances.

Today's Meal: Pork Loin, Rice with Sauteed Kale, Roasted Zucchini and Carrots and Honeydew Melon. Trinity purchased the pork loin, the rice was donated by Good Samaritan Hospital, the kale was donated by Spring Hill Organic Farm and the carrots and zucchini came from The Oregon Food Bank.

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