
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Quiet Day And Homemade Croutons

The best homemade croutons made by volunteer Leah at today's Wednesday Community Meal.

With it being the first week of the month, it was a quiet day at the Wednesday Community Meal. We typically feed smaller crowds earlier in the month because that's when people get their social security checks.

The slower-paced service gave us more time today to visit with our guests who are so nice and appreciative. One guest today told volunteer Dean who serves coffee in the dining room, "When I come here to have lunch, it feels like I'm coming to Grandma's house."

In order to utilize the food we gleaned from Good Samaritan Hospital and Phil's Uptown Meat Market, we had to change our menu quite a few times. At the start of the meal we served Thai green curry and at the end we served spaghetti. In between there was meatloaf, ribs, chicken, beef casserole, Mexican casserole and a moist and delicious roasted pork loin that was purchased by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.
Volunteer Nancy slicing the pork loin that was one of our most popular entrees today.

Guests were also offered also soup, salad and dessert. The salads were extra good today because they were topped with croutons made from scratch by volunteer Leah. They were crunchy and perfectly seasoned with garlic, Italian herbs, paprika, salt and pepper. It's hard to duplicate what we do each week because our ingredients are rarely the same but I hope Leah remembers her recipe because her croutons were the best.

We served 285 meals today.

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