
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Crew

High school students Ava and Sierra helped serve dessert today.
The start of summer is still a few days away but at the Wednesday Community Meal it has officially begun because school's out and our wonderful crew of student volunteers came in today to help, marking the first week of their summer vacation.

We haven't had the help of our student volunteers since Spring Break and it's crazy how fast they are  growing up. They are getting sooo tall!

Sierra started volunteering when she was in the fourth grade, a year before we began offering a sit-down meal and when there was just a small group of us making to-go meals to hand out at the door. It's hard to believe she is now a 10th grader and still a dedicated volunteer who helps whenever she has a break from school.

We served 332 meals today and had a lot of fun catching up with our student volunteers. I know I've said it before but I am so thankful to be able to work with the nicest people every Wednesday. Being with them makes hard work fun.

Thank you Sierra, Ava, Micah, Nicholas and Eleanor for all your help today. It's officially summer at the Wednesday Community Meal!

A to-go meal of turkey, rice, beans and roasted tomatoes for a guest to take home to a sick family member. We served 332 meals today and received this flattering comment from a guest, "I'm going to give this place a good write up! I'm a very influential food critic."

A scene from today's busy kitchen before we began serving. By the time the meal was over, the kitchen cleaned and the dishes washed and put away, there were quite a few volunteers who had put in a solid six hours of work.
Here I am today with two people I look forward to seeing each week - server Frank and guest Louise who is such a kick and fun to visit with.  I loved the shirt she wore today and had to have my daughter Eleanor take a picture.

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