
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Roasted Asparagus And Potatoes

Volunteers Teri, Cindy and Ginny were stuck at the sink today washing and cutting potatoes - 100 pounds to be exact. It was hard work but they stayed in good spirits. I am so thankful to have them on our team.

We served a variety of main dishes today at the Wednesday Community Meal and were lucky to be able to serve them with two pretty and very well-received side dishes - oven roasted white potatoes and asparagus.

Having fresh produce for our meal is always great but it does take a lot of prep work and time.

We had two 50 pound boxes of white potatoes from the Oregon Food Bank and it took a hardworking team of three volunteers to scrub and chop all of them. Thankfully we had Teri, Cindy and Ginny willing to take on the job. Working nonstop, it took a full two-hours to get them ready for the oven.

The beautiful organic asparagus was donated by Food Front Cooperative Grocery in Hillsdale. Volunteer Kate picked up the asparagus for us as well as prepared and cooked it for the meal. She seasoned the asparagus with garlic powder, salt and black pepper and roasted it perfectly so that it was still bright green and not overcooked.
The fresh asparagus that was donated by Food Front Cooperative Grocery in Hillsdale.

Our main dishes today included Italian Chicken, Ham, Salmon, Cod, Shepherd's Pie, Enchiladas and Ribs. For dessert there was an assortment of delicious cakes, pastries and pies donated by Trader Joe's.
Trader Joe's Streusel Cake.

Trader Joe's Apple Pie with whipped cream.

We served 248 meals today.

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