
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pie Fundraiser

Just-baked cherry and apple pies.

I've been busy baking an assortment of homemade pies with my friends for a fundraiser at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral this Sunday, June 1, after the 10 a.m. service. Here are a few pictures from yesterday's busy baking session and the details about the fundraiser that benefits Food Ministries which supports The Wednesday Community Meal. I hope to see you there.

A filled cherry pie.

A cherry pie just out of the oven.

Please join us for a slice of homemade pie and at the same time enjoy fellowship and help support Outreach Ministries. There will be a variety of fruit pies from apple to strawberry rhubarb and cream pies from chocolate to lemon meringue to choose from and will cost $3 a slice. If you prefer your pie with a side of vanilla ice cream, don't worry, we'll provide that too. Raffle tickets will also be available for a chance to win a whole pie of your choice to take home. Proceeds from this sale will go to our hungry friends in our Food Ministries.

Apples, strawberries, cherries, rhubarb and peaches ready to be turned into pie fillings. Besides double-crusted fruit pies, we will offer slices of cream pies at the fundraiser.
Pie shells that just need to be baked and then filled with chocolate cream.

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