
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Daisy Cookie Bouquet

No garden is necessary to grow a sweet bouquet of daisies because you can bake one.

These cookies come together quickly and would make a pretty centerpiece for a Spring gathering. Wrapped in cellophane and tied with a bow they also make a nice gift.

Here's how:
I have a daisy cutter but it's one of those frustrating ones that's hard to get the dough out of so I instead chose to use the cutter on the right. A plain round cutter would also work. When you bake cookies on a stick you want to make smaller sized cookies that won't be too top heavy.
You can buy lollipop sticks but I didn't have any so I cut the sharp end off of some bamboo skewers.

Roll your cookie dough 1/4 inch thick. Don't roll it too thin or you won't have room to push the stick in.

Cut your cookies.

Gently press a stick nearly all the way through the cookie. You can see where the stick shows through a bit but don't worry, you can patch that.

Roll a little piece of dough and place it over the thin area where the stick shows.

Use your fingers to spread the patch out and get it to adhere to the cookie.

Lay the cookies, patch side down and bake.

Let the cookies cool completely on the sheetpan before attempting to move them.

Make your royal icing. You'll need just two colors, white and yellow.  I even used white gel paste food coloring which makes the white extra extra bright.

With white piping consistency royal icing and a #2 tip add icing around the stick. This is just extra insurance that you will have a sturdy cookie on a stick.

With the same icing, pipe petals.

Keep adding petals until you've worked your way around the cookie.

Let the cookies dry before moving onto the next step.

With flood consistency royal icing and a #1 tip, fill in the petals. Let the cookies dry until moving onto the final step.
With piping consistency yellow icing and a #2 tip, add a center to the daisy. Use a brush to dab the center and add texture. You don't want the center to be perfectly smooth.

Let the cookie dry completely before displaying or packaging.

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