
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Just Enough For Everyone

Today's lunch of roast chicken and rice. We garnished the plates with sliced apples and cantaloup from The Oregon Food Bank.
Today was one of those rare days at the Wednesday Community Meal when we served a hearty meal to every single person who came to our door and in the end had nothing left over.

Considering we have no idea how many people we will serve each week because the meal is free and everyone is welcome, this is a rare feat indeed.

I honestly don't know how or why but everything worked out just perfectly.

We served 348 meals today. For the first 200 meals or so, we served oven-roasted chicken, rice, salad, soup and dessert. Then we moved on to serving food gleaned from Good Samaritan Hospital and Phil's Uptown Meat Market — Chicken Satay, Ribs, Fried Fish, Green Curry or Beef Curry alongside salad, soup and dessert.

The salads we served today.
Dessert today was homemade apple crisp made by Cheryl.

Of course if more people came to our door we wouldn't have turned them away for lack of food. We had a backup stash of pizza in our refrigerator that was generously donated from Pizza Schmizza on Northwest 21st ready if we needed it.

And if so, we would have heated up the pizza in a heartbeat because we aim to feed everyone who comes to our door.

Don't worry about that pizza going to waste. On other days of the week people can come to the door of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral for a bag of canned food, so we'll hand out the pizza tomorrow as an extra treat. 

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