
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Quiet Day And A Surprise Treat

Today was a quiet day at the Wednesday Community Meal. My best guess is that this was due in part to the miserable rainy weather that no one wants to be out in and that it's the first week of the month when people have received their social security benefit checks.

There was actually one point during the service, a little after noon,  that the kitchen came to a complete standstill and I was able to snap a picture to document the rare occasion.
Hard working volunteers Davis, Rieko, Karen and Carolyn with nothing to do for a brief moment.

In the end we served 269 meals of roasted chicken, carmelized carrots and baked potatoes. The potatoes were topped with butter and creme fraiche that was donated by The Oregon Foodbank. And of course, there was also hot soup, salad and dessert.
We served caramelized carrots seasoned with sage, garlic, salt and black pepper alongside chicken and baked potatoes.

There was also a surprise treat courtesy of Olympic Provisions - an assortment of dry cured salami that we handed out to our guests as they left.
A selection of gourmet dry cured salami donated by Olympic Provisions.

The high end salami was a delicious way to say "thank you" to those who trekked in the heavy rain to get to the meal.

According to Saveur Magazine, "Portland, Oregon's Olympic Provisions makes some of the finest charcuterie we've tasted, from regional variations on Spanish chorizo to French Saucissons to Italian soppressate."

What a special treat for our wonderful guests! Thank you Olympic Provisions!

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