
Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine Sale Cancelled

Scalloped Heart Cookies

I am sorry to announce that the upcoming Valentine Treat sale to benefit Trinity Episcopal Cathedral's Food Ministries has been cancelled due to bad weather.

Yesterday afternoon a snowstorm hit Portland, Oregon causing a complete collapse of the transit system and a total shutdown of the city, including schools and many businesses. 

The view from my porch this morning.
Yesterday was also the day we were scheduled to make the hand-dipped chocolate truffles for the Sunday Feb. 9th sale.

With the weather forecast not looking good into the weekend, it was decided that it would be best to officially cancel the sale earlier rather than later. We can't have a sale if there are no truffles or customers.

More importantly though, I'm thinking of how cold our homeless Wednesday Community Meal guests must be in this weather. Please keep them in your prayers.


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