
Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Volunteer Linda getting salad plates ready. She and volunteer Joe worked together to assemble all of the individual salads that we served today. We served 354 meals so that was a lot of salad!

We are so lucky to have a united team of volunteers at the Wednesday Community Meal who are all hardworking and caring. And, because everyone is so nice, the work is actually fun and something I look forward to each week.

Our team works so well together that there are times when we get really busy like today (we served 354 meals in two hours) that it's almost like the volunteers are dancing together, going this way and that, knowing exactly what needs to be done.

I believe our teamwork enhances the dining experience of our guests because when people enjoy working together it's obvious and just makes everything better.

One of the meals we served today — Baked ham (from Phil's Uptown Meat Market), mashed potatoes and gravy, squash and roasted apples.

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