
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Food With A Side Of Hospitality

The long line to get into the meal today.

The Wednesday Community Meal got off to a great start today with a sweet compliment from a guest who told volunteer Cheryl, "I just needed this love today. Thank you, thank you so much for being here."

Being the end of the month, we were very busy, serving 430 meals in two hours. But not so busy to forget that the hospitality is just as important as the food.

Later during the meal, another guest told a volunteer,  "I'm so glad you use real dishes. It makes us feel like human beings."

Why wouldn't we treat our guests the way we would like to be treated? We are all on this earth together and life is not fair and sometimes out of our control. It's important to help one another.

"This is the best place to come and sit down and have food and coffee -- we're treated like kings," said another guest.

Kind words like these make the hard work of organizing, cooking, serving and cleaning so worth it. I am so blessed to be a part of The Wednesday Community Meal - real dishes and all.

The first 150 guests got hamburgers.

Josh and Jan assembling burgers.

Making biscuits with my brother Josh who is visiting me for a week and pitched in to help. It was so nice of him to spend the day volunteering with me.

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