
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Memorable Meal

Dean Bill Lupfer joined us during the meal today.
Church bells rang midway through the Wednesday Community Meal today at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral to mark the 50th anniversary of "The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" and Martin Luther King, Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech.

Then the Dean of the Cathedral, Bill Lupfer,  joined us in the dining room to offer a prayer for justice and freedom for all. The pause was brief but meaningful to the guests and volunteers.

I am pleased to be part of a cathedral that is open, welcoming and respectful of all races and religions. Every Wednesday the dining room is filled with people from all walks of life, coming together for sustenance and fellowship. It truly is a wonderful thing.
Volunteers Sarah and Leah worked hard preparing the salads today. Sarah is a student and starts school next week. We are really going to miss having her help.

A view into the busy kitchen from the dining room.
We served 418 meals today of oven baked chicken, soup, salad and dessert.
A meal of oven baked chicken, sauteed chard and a baked potato. Volunteer Suzanne did such a good job of cooking the chard that it was a surprise hit with the guests. "I was scared to taste it," admitted one guest, "but I'm glad I did because I love it."

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