
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Youthful Energy

Young volunteers from the SPARKS service day camp helped serve the Wednesday Community Meal today and filled the dining room with bursts of bright youthful energy.

This is the third summer that the SPARKS campers have volunteered at the meal and as usual, it was a real pleasure work with them. They all worked hard and were kind and caring to the guests.

Besides serving food, the SPARKS campers took time to also visit and eat lunch with the guests. It was inspiring to watch the interactions and it made the guests so happy because sometimes the social aspect of the community meal is just as nourishing as the food.

Here are just some of the volunteers who helped serve 387 meals today:

William took time to sit and visit with Don.

SPARKS campers Emma, Jack and Alicia visiting with Bob who has a wonderful sense of humor and is a good friend of mine. I've known him for 14 years.

Jack served soup along longtime volunteer Dorrie.

Joe was pulled into one of the hardest jobs at the community meal - washing dishes. Longtime volunteer Bill showed him the ropes, including where to find the chocolate donuts.

Carol and all of the regular volunteers enjoyed working alongside the middle schoolers and having the extra help. It was a fun day.

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