
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Making A Difference

Dorrie, one of our dedicated servers, passed on a sweet compliment to the kitchen today.

"A guest wants me to tell you that that was the best meal he ever ate," she said. The compliment was so nice and much appreciated.

There's so much work that goes into preparing the Wednesday Community Meal and it's this kind of appreciation from our guests that keeps us going. We are all unpaid volunteers who just want to make a difference in our community and do our best to help those who need it most.

Serving in the dining room is hard physical work but Mary Ann makes it look easy. I always hear from guests that they are grateful for the kind and attentive service.

It's a real pleasure to be able to treat our guests to homemade food served on nice china in a large and beautiful dining room.

Today we served 326 meals of tasty comfort food - oven baked chicken and homemade gravy. We also offered a side of rice or mashed potatoes, sauteed greens and homemade biscuits.

MMM... chicken and gravy over rice.
Linda worked hard today mashing two giant batches of potatoes by hand! Credit should also be given to Sierra and Leah who peeled them all. They must have felt like they were in the Army. The Wednesday Community Meal is a real team effort and truth be told work can be fun when you are with nice people.
There was also hot soup, salad and dessert. The kitchen smelled pretty darn good.

A bowl of hearty minestrone soup.

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