
Saturday, July 27, 2013

It's Showtime

Flowers for the cake.
I especially love the Ebony dahlias.
Today's the big day. It's Jeff and Amy's wedding day and I need to transport, assemble and decorate the cake at the venue.

First thing this morning, I went to the neighborhood florist shop to pick up the flowers. I brought a container with me so that they could be put into water straight away and be kept as fresh as possible.

I also put dowels cut to the height of cakes into the three bottom tiers. The dowels will help support the weight of the stacked cakes. If you don't use dowels, the cakes would be crushed by the weight. A baked, filled and frosted cake is surprisingly heavy.

Six 1/4 inch dowels cut to the height of the cakes are in each of the bottom three tiers.
I am also bringing a sketch I drew of how I want the flowers to be arranged on the cake. Instead of going the traditional route of putting the flowers on the top tier,  I'm going to drape them down the front of the cake, putting the biggest bunch on the bottom right of the third tier. That's going to be the focal point of the decoration.
My handy dandy sketch.

I know this makes me sound crazy but I have been thinking about flower placement pretty much nonstop for the last three days. Arranging flowers artfully and naturally takes thought and consideration.

I'll post a picture tonight of the finished cake.

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