
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

An Early 4th of July Celebration

We celebrated the 4th of July a day early at the Wednesday Community Meal by serving all-beef Costco hotdogs, crispy roasted potatoes, green salad, soup, watermelon and ice cream sundaes.
Volunteer Quinn making ice cream sundaes for our guests.
On the actual 4th, many food agencies in our city our closed so we wanted to make sure our guests today left very satisfied. With extra help from some young volunteers who are on summer break, we served 237 meals during our two hour service from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

My sweet niece Maya helped me season the potatoes before roasting. It took a lot of time and effort cleaning and dicing 300 pounds of potatoes from The Oregon Food Bank. Thank you Mary, Leah, Sierra and Ann!

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral provided the hot dogs, buns, watermelon and ice cream. The potatoes came from the Oregon Food Bank and the salad ingredients were donated by Spring Hill Organic Farm in Albany and Food Front Grocery Cooperative in Hillsdale. The soup was donated by Good Samaritan Hospital. We were worried that the soup wouldn't be popular because of the heat but we were wrong. Our guests were hungry and appreciative of everything we offered.

We always try our best to accommodate our guests' dietary needs. For vegetarians we served potatoes, watermelon, stir fried kale and oven roasted asparagus, squash and cauliflower.

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