
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Staying Busy

Our super team of dining room servers. Good thing they were able to sit and rest a bit before the service today because boy were they busy. Volunteer Steve who is a dedicated member of our dish washing team took the photo. Thank you Steve!

We changed our menu no less than ten times today at the Wednesday Community Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral which made the two hour service one of our busiest yet.

The first guests of the day got barbecue chicken wings and the last guests got couscous with sausage, mushrooms, chard and peppers.  In the middle there were chicken breasts, beef fajitas, fish, sausages, beef curry, egg and sausage sandwiches, pizza and turkey.

All of the guests were also offered soup, salad and dessert. Because of our wonderful team of volunteers, we were able to serve 290 meals today.
Volunteers Mary and Leah always arrive early to help plan and prepare the meal.

Anne and Nicholas dishing up plates of couscous with sausage, mushrooms, chard and peppers. Nicholas is a high school student who has volunteered for the past three years during his summer break.

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