
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our Busiest Day Yet

When school is out for the summer, my daughter Eleanor likes to volunteer with me and create special drinks for the guests. Today she created a refreshing pina colada inspired drink. Dedicated volunteer Dan was once employed as a singing waiter so he gave Eleanor some very helpful tray holding tips.

Being the last week of the month, we expected to be busy at the Wednesday Community Meal today but we never expected to serve 434 meals!

It was our busiest day yet and it made our two hour service go by in a flash. Luckily we had extra help from young volunteers who are on their summer break from school. Seriously, we needed every single volunteer who came in today to help.

The first 200 or so guests got crispy oven baked lemon chicken, rice and cooked carrots.

A plate of baked lemon chicken, rice and mushroom pilaf and cooked carrots.

Then it was onto menu changing madness - there was roast pork, fish, shepherd's pie, enchiladas, pasta with sausage and peppers, paella and sausage and egg sandwiches.

We also offered soup, fresh fruit and dessert. For the latter, we served homemade pumpkin spice cake made by Cheryl who is our dessert specialist.

Cheryl's homemade pumpkin spice cake.

I've heard many times from our guests that the dessert served at the Wednesday meal is "the best in town" and it's all due to Cheryl.

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