
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake Social

This Sunday, May 5, volunteers from the Wednesday Community Meal will sell just-baked homemade strawberry shortcake at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (147 NW 19th Ave, Portland, OR 97209) after the 10 a.m. service. 

It's a great time to enjoy a fresh strawberry treat, socialize and support feeding the hungry in our community.

The strawberry shortcake will cost $3 a serving and every penny made goes to support the Cathedral's food ministries. 

Since January 2013,  4,332 lunches have been served at the Wednesday Community Meal and 2,503 bags of food have been handed out (Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.). 

What I love most about the program is that everyone is welcome and treated with kindness and respect. 

Besides being a place to get a hot nutritious meal, the Wednesday lunch is a comfortable place to relax and socialize. The meal feeds the spirit as well as the body and that is true for both the volunteers and the guests. 

Please join us this Sunday.

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