
Friday, May 24, 2013

More Discoveries

The walls, ceiling and floor are gone from my kitchen and the rebuilding is about to begin.

Gutting the kitchen filled a 20 yard dumpster with 6380 pounds of wood and plaster. Next up is electrical work, insulating the exterior walls and drywall.

While removing the plaster from the ceiling I made a few more discoveries. 

A Scholastic Composition Book From 1934:

Because the book was buried in the ceiling and not exposed to light, it's in pretty great condition.

Beautiful penmanship.

A One Pound Van Duyn's Confection Box:

I couldn't find a date on the box but VanDuyn is a Portland Company that was started in 1927 and is still in business today. When I mentioned to my friend Anne what I had found she said she's had Van Duyn chocolate and it is very good.

All the papers from the candy were still in the box.

A vintage crumb.

Clothes Hanger From Allyn's:

A hanger from Allyn's. I couldn't find any history of the business online but I know it's old because of the phone number - EAST 0123.

Bowerman Meat Company Business Card:

Once again I couldn't find anything about this business online. I'm going to have to ask around.

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