
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Picnic In The Rain

The line for chili dogs.

After weeks of beautiful weather here in Portland, Oregon of course today, one of the few times during the year that we have to move our Wednesday Community Meal outside, it was chilly and rainy.

An art exhibit was being set up in Kempton Hall where we usually serve the meal so we had no choice but to serve outside picnic style.

Staying positive and doing our best was really all we could do and in the end everything worked out and the guests were satisfied. It also helped that volunteers Cheryl and Dave were prepared and brought tents to set up over the tables.

We served 354 meals of chili dogs made with all beef hot dogs from Costco and homemade chili using pinto beans from The Oregon Food Bank.
We served all beef Costco hot dogs and then offered to jazz them up with toppings.

Practically everyone wanted all the fixings - homemade chili, shredded cheese and chives.

We also served a side of chips, salads made with greens from The Oregon Food Bank and asparagus and red pepper donated by Food Front Cooperative Grocery in Hillsdale.
Beautiful asparagus donated from Food Front Cooperative Grocery in Hillsdale.

Volunteer Kate blanched the asparagus spears and then sliced and tossed them with a vinaigrette. They were very tasty and a nice addition. Also in the salads were shredded cheese, sunflower seeds and olives.
Dave giving Leah more salads to serve. To help keep the food line for chili dogs moving as efficiently as possible, Leah graciously offered to go table to table serving salads.

There was also hot soup, cookies and drinks. With the cool weather, hot coffee was in especially high demand and kept volunteer Steve constantly busy.

Steve serving coffee.
I am so thankful for our team of volunteers. They work hard and have big hearts.

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