
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tree Cookie

Thanks to my wonderful #67 leaf tip, this tree cookie actually isn't too hard to make.

If you haven't used a leaf tip before, practice piping on a plate until you get the hang of it. The secret is to pull up as you release pressure on the pastry bag. That movement is what forms the end point of the leaf. It just takes some practice.

These trees are for the wedding cake I'm making this weekend so I "carved" the initials of the couple into the trunk of one of the trees.

Here's the steps to making them:
Make and bake tree cookies.

After you've flooded the trunk with brown and the top with green royal icing, let the cookie dry completely. Then, begin adding branches with piping consistency royal icing and a #2 tip.

Try to make the layout of the branches look natural.

With stiff icing and a #67 leaf tip, add green leaves.

Add more leaves in another color for contrast and interest.

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