
Monday, April 8, 2013

More Wedding Photos

The room ready for the reception. Thank you Cindy for taking the photos. It was an exciting day.

Side view of the wedding cake.

Cheryl adding the fresh roses to the cakes.

Trees and blue birds made from sugar cookie dough and decorated with royal icing are colorful additions to the cake.

Cheryl adding birds to the cake.

Cheryl and I discussing bird placement on the cake.

Adding the tree cookies to the cake. I think I look positively obsessed and I think my friends Cindy and Cheryl would agree. They were so supportive and helped me stay calm.
It takes a team to make punch.  Martha is in the back opening the 7-up and my daughter Una, Leah and Jordan are mixing it up. I'm adding mint and fresh raspberries. The clear punch was made with 7-up, white grape juice, white cranberry juice and soda water.  It was light, crisp and tasted like champagne. A white grape juice ice ring made in a bundt cake pan helped keep the punch chilled.

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