
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kalamata Olive Bread

Two loaves of kalamata olive bread made for less than $4.

Both of my daughters love kalamata olive bread and ask me to buy it for them at our neighborhood market. The price though is hard for me to swallow - $4.99 for a very small loaf.

Starting today, they'll get it more often because I found I can make it myself for a lot less - two large loaves for under $4.

The kalamata olives are the most expensive ingredient in the recipe. The best price I've found on them is a 12 oz. jar of pitted olives at Trader Joe's for $2.99.

The rest of the ingredients - flour, yeast, salt and a bit of sugar are under $1.

Besides saving money, baking your own bread is satisfying, makes your house smell great and you get to eat it hot right out of the oven. Yum!

Cook's treat! A slice of warm bread.

Kalamata Olive Bread
(Makes 2 loaves)

Sponge Ingredients:
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups water
1/8 teaspoon active dry yeast

At least 4 hours before you want to make the bread, combine the flour, water and yeast in a large bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and leave out at room temperature.

Dough Ingredients:
Sponge mixture
1 cup warm water
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 1/2 to 5 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sliced Kalamata olives

In a small bowl combine the warm water, yeast and sugar. Let this set for 5 minutes.

In a large bowl combine the sponge, yeast mixture and salt. Mix well. Add the flour a cup at a time until a soft dough forms. Add the olives and knead them into the dough. Keep kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Place the dough in a large bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a clean towel and set it in a warm place for the dough to rise until it is double in bulk. This takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Divide the dough in half. Shape each half into a loaf and place on a parchment lined or lightly greased baking sheet. Let the loaves rise for 30 to 40 minutes.
The loaves rising before baking.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees and set aside a 1/2 cup of water.

When the loaves are ready to bake, place them on the middle rack of the oven and underneath toss in the 1/2 cup of water. Immediately close the door and leave it closed during baking so that the steam doesn't escape.

Adding the water to the hot oven helps the bread form a nice chewy crust.

Reduce the temperature to 400 degrees and bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the loaves are a golden brown color.


  1. Hi Heidi!

    We will be trying this one soon. Thanks!

    BTW, you can get pitted kalamata olives in "bulk" at WinCo for cheaper. Not sure if there's a WinCo convenient to your neck of the woods.

  2. Jenn,
    Thank you for checking out the blog and thank you for the tip. I must seek out the nearest WinCo.

    Happy Baking,
