
Friday, March 15, 2013

Butterfly Cookies

These butterfly cookies take some time to make but they are not hard and I think the results are well worth it.

A large platter of these butterflies in various colors at a Spring gathering would be spectacular.

It's essential to be organized when you make these and have all your icing colors ready to go at once. The technique I used to decorate these is "wet on wet" which means as soon as your flood icing is on the cookie, it's time to add the details.

Here's how to make them:
Outline the cookies with piping consistency black icing and a #1 tip. Wait for the outline to dry before moving onto the next step. In the meantime, put the black icing in a sealed bag to keep it from drying out because you'll need it later.

Fill the bottom two sections with flood consistency yellow icing using a #1 tip.

Add a line of black icing on each side.

Use a sewing pin to draw through each line three times. I prefer a sewing pin to a skewer or toothpick for this because it creates a finer line. Be sure to wipe the pin clean after each swipe.

With flood consistency blue icing and a #1 tip, fill the top two sections.

Draw two yellow lines on each side and add a black line down the centers.

Use the sewing pin to draw through the lines.

Draw through the lines three times on each side. And again, be sure to wipe the pin clean after each swipe.

Add two yellow dots.

Add a smaller black dot on top of the yellow dots and they're done!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heidi. I just tried the basic sugar cookie recipe yesterday, for St. Patrick Day cookies. They are GREAT! I had been using a recipe from Yakima Herald, from several years ago, but it was a tad too sweet, and the cookies often lost some of their shape when they were baking. Your recipe is wonderful.....tasty flavor, sweet, but not overly so, and the shapes hold up perfectly. Now I need to do some work on mastering the royal icing and decorating with it......perhaps a project for this week, since I'm on spring break with no big plans to go anywhere. I hope the liturgy last night was great.
