
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

An Early St. Patrick's Day Feast

Today at the Wednesday Community Meal we celebrated St. Patrick's day a few days early with a classic Irish meal.

We served oven-roasted lamb steaks that were marinated in a blend of oil, fresh rosemary, lemon, garlic, salt and black pepper.

Marinated lamb steaks ready for the oven.

In addition to the lamb we served baked potatoes, soup, a Waldorf inspired green salad and dessert.

The salads looked especially nice today. On top of a fresh bed of greens were apple chunks, grapes, walnuts and dried cranberries.

The guests loved the salad topped with apple, grapes, walnuts and dried cranberries.
For dessert we gave guests the choice of pudding, brownies or chocolate cake topped with a dollop of buttercream. And of course we also offered coffee, tea, hot chocolate and juice.

Today's dessert choices.
We served a total of 220 meals today - lower than we expected. Maybe it was the beautiful warm sunny weather that kept guests outside?

We just never know how many guests we'll have. But, that's part of the adventure of volunteering at the Wednesday Community Meal.

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