
Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Adding a few spoonfuls of drippings to a roast beef sandwich that is ready to go into a hot oven. The beautiful roast was donated to us by Phil's Meat Market.

We were unexpectedly busy today at the Wednesday Community Meal.

With it being the first of the month when our numbers are typically lower, we were thinking we would serve around 275 meals today — But boy were we wrong.

We served 354 meals and at the end of the day I am so thankful that we didn't have to turn anyone away.

There was just enough for everyone in large part due to the generosity of Phil's Meat Market and Good Samaritan Hospital who donate wonderful food to us each week and help us keep our pantry stocked.

From Good Samaritan today we had soup, rice, pasta, enchiladas, sweet and sour chicken and barbecue ribs. And from Phil's Meat Market we had roasted turkey, chicken breasts, ground beef, chili mac and a beautiful beef roast.

With the latter, we sliced it thin and made hot roast beef and cheese sandwiches which were the hit of the day.

All of the food was delicious and enjoyed by our hungry guests. I am so thankful for our generous donors.

Thanks to Good Samaritan Hospital, we were able to serve steaming hot bowls of hearty soup. The hospital donates wonderful food to us each week.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your stories about the food pantry
